Melatonin Magiks Chapter Two v8.0 Patreon release

Sup peeps, luv u.

Melatonin Magiks Chapter 2 v8.0 has been released for 5$+ Patreons.
Public release will be in a few days.
Rather proud of this one, 6 new events in total. It's one you don't want to miss imo.

Changelog for Melatonin Magiks Chapter 2 v8.0:
One new event for Lorica. (careful with your clicks)
One new event with the cowgirls. (Enjoy it, there's something for everyone.)
One new late night event with Trixy. (If you forgave her.)
One new coffee shop event.
One new repeatable event with Ushio at the farm.
One new repeatable event with Eidele at the farm.
Kisses X0X0

Get Melatonin Magiks Chapter 2

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