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(1 edit) (+1)

Can't seem to view the 7th replayable scene for Ona (playing with the house sexbot) without it crashing the game on Mac.

are scenes static or animated?

A crazy amount of animation.


Is this game dropped?


No. It's spiritual. Send monies.


Starting with the first Chapter obviously 👍🏻


Just want to mention that the "your" in "And now your awake?" Is supposed to be "You're" :)


Next you'll tell me "woah" is spelt "whoa"



Im confused that when I installed it it said it was chapter 1 and it said its chapter1-3when I downloaded the pack.But I havent check it anyways


Ive done playing.It was just chap1

love it anyways


Neat m8.
Yes every chapter is a separate game build. There is no pack of chapters 1-4 packaged together. Yet.


is there Pregnancy in chapter 1? just a quick question


Pregnancy content starts in Chapter 2.


that cat girl looks like someone I've seen in an anime


Is this game male protag, female protag or do you pick the protags gender

Not sure if it's a bug, or something else.  But about 5 min in, there seems to be some dialogue missing in the conversation between the lady in the dream (before waking up to Neko)

and then a few more small bits that just don't seem to flow from scene to scene very well.

but the one that actually made me close the game down entirely was upon meeting the red demon lady, after subsquent H-Scene she asks about the "Bathing facilities"  then it seems to cut to some random dialogue in a cave, then skips again to some other previously unknown character.   It happens so suddenly and there's so much missing context it completely pulled me outta the story and I lost all interest.

Again, not sure if it's a bug or just poor writing, but it really threw me.

Also for the record I have triple checked that none of the skipping options were enabled.  Especially transitions. (FAR from my first renpy game)


How many chapters plan to this game I'm excited to next installment, I love this game on my top2 games favorite I hope will be more content.

Will it work on Quest 2 sideload?

If other renpy games do then I'd say yes.

If not then I'd say no.


Quick Question: Pregnancy?







pretty fun.


provisional rating, after seeing about half of the content: mad and crazy, but in a good way. well done, looking forward to see this one unfold :)


So do i have to download all 3 Chapters or just one?

Hey bro does this game has fights? Also is it compatible with Android?

(1 edit) (+3)

There's an android build above. The game has the typical interactivity of a game made in the renpy visual novel engine. There are depictions of fights, including fully animated ones once you hit Chapter three.
Click here if you're curious about trying out the game.

Still being updated?


Yep, it is... A little hiatus for some work but have you played Chapter 2 and the progress in Chapter 3.  They are separate games here on Itch.  Chapter 1 and 2 will transfer choices from one to another, tomorrow I will update Chapter 3 to do the same.   Enjoy!


Are there a plan for Android release?


There's one up now!


Ona ghetto mode is best mode

Game looks good but i gotta know if the 18+ scenes have any voice acting



Damn, tnx for taking time to reply

is it really about 10 hours long?


I loved the fun poking when you didn't enter a pet name. I didn't care for one either way so I just hit enter to let the game decide and use a default one.

Didn't expect there to be jokes if you didn't enter anything lol. Shame it didn't last long, I was quite amused to see what it was gonna say next or if it would end in a "Fine, if you're going to be a bore that's what she's going to call you from now on" sorta thing.


My opinion on the game: The game is great with good story, lots of great girls that are beautiful btw with sexy scenes together. What more can I say except that I believed it is a little underrated and more people should play it.

Male Mc or Female Mc?




Deleted 31 days ago

god i hope thats not how the game play is my mega had a fucking stroke with the transfer so it make me wait 8 hours in total just to let me download it without it costing me

How can I download android version ? It keeps saying app not installed

Android links and other mirrors are on F95zone. Cheers.


Looks so fun! Will this ever be available for android?


It has been in the past, mirrors get removed sometimes. Had a new one made just for you m8, link is available on F95zone, all you need is a forum account.

wow tysm! I appreciate this🙂❤❤


Got you m8, lmk if you need anything else.

If you can’t upload the game on to itch because it is to big there is a butler utility that allows you to upload games with 5+ GB.


Appreciate it. The real mirrors are on f95zone. I just love my peeps and want them to know I exist at all.

Having a problem with the game. Every few minutes it just shuts down. Think it's because it's so graphics heavy and I don't have a video card, just the onboard basic graphics. I'm sure I'll get a graphics card soon, then I'll let you know.

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Not having a graphics card of any kind? That could definitely be an issue. However the game is not the most stable. Other people with amazing cards have had crashes in the past for various reasons. Some people have had core issues. Others have tried unique ways of preventing game crashes that other ren'py games do not require.

There are a multitude community fixes in the thread, you can look through and try some.

If anyone is experiencing Lag/Crashes try the stability patch.

Thanks a lot. I keep forgetting about F95.


Let me know if you find a fix, or feel free to DM me and I'll try to help you further.

how big the files is? 


6gb, there's multiple mirrors on the f95zone link if you need a download.  You just need a forum account, worth it, It's a great site.

It's a completed game, the next chapter will be in a separate game file. There is an compressed version that's like 700mb on f95. 6gb --> 700mb will kill the quality quite a bit of course.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Try the hosted mirrors here.

Let me know if you need something else instead.

Also all of the mirrors on f95 zone should be working fine, did you make an account for the forum to see the links? I'd highly suggest one. It's a great site for finding adult games.

For anyone that would like a bigger and easier download with mega use their desktop app.


Thanks for the mirror. For those of us with a basic MEGA account, anything over 5 gig is too large a file.


No problem m8, if  anyone needs anything, post here or contact me. I'll get back ASAP. Cheers enjoy your playthrough.

Is there anywhere else we can download this



There are several mirrors. All you need is a forum account.

Thanks a bunch!!