Chapter 2 V4.0 has been released for all patreon tiers

So MM Chapter 2 V4.0 has been released for all patreon tiers.
Assuming there's no major bugs, I'll release it here publicly on the 29th, so no worries, nobody has to wait that long for a public release.
Here's the changelog so you lads know what to look forward to.
Also the same day on the 29th I'll be uploading an updated stable build for Chapter one, which for once and all will do away with crashing/lag for people who run into these issues when they first try the game.

Stay frosty lads

Changelog for Chp.2 V4.0:
A note on the newly added Kawaii system:
Yes, that's what I'm calling it. Because it is. By popular demand Headpats for all the main girls have been implemented in their rooms.
Ona and Neko-Chan have an extra option, you can ask them what they'd like to do and they'll take you on a mini frame cute activity.
It's a pretty nice start, all dialogue options change depending on the day to keep things fresh, have fun with it.
one new main story event with Lorica.
one new main story event with Proserpina.
one new main story event with Alyssa.
one new main story event with Neko-Chan.
one new main story events with Ona.
one new main story events with Delphina.
one new event with the cow girls.
No new story event for Ayame in this update, I want to purchase music rights to a song first and I ran out of time. If I can't get the song I'll still make something happen, we'll see.
Nothing new for Zimira this update, all the custom animations in the H scenes I made for the other girls cut into my time. There's a lot I have planned for her. And other things, I'll get to it all eventually.
You can now take Lorica to the milk shed, once you've completed her story event for this update and also if you've already taken Haru and Emi.
Delphina has a new repeatable event in her domain, check it out, I'm rather proud of the animations.
Major bugfix: Ona's unrequited bug has been fixed.
Play safe, have fun.

Get Melatonin Magiks Chapter 2

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